
Poor Academic Performance At Austin Peay State University

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The effects of poor academic performance include low grades and other academic penalties, loss of eligibility, and potential loss of career opportunities. All of these effects have negative impacts in helping with your future. Many students deal with these effects on a regular basis and have to come up with ways to deal with them. Most students struggle with these things in college because of other organizations and sports that they do.
One effect of poor academic performance include low grades and other academic penalties. The lower that your grades get can cause your GPA to lower also. At Austin Peay State University, they offer a “forgiveness policy” which allows students to repeat a failed or unacceptable grade course. If the student receives a passing grade in the course after they retake it, it so considered “forgiven” and becomes a grade that can help their GPA. If the student happens to fail the course twice then the third time they take it, if the grade is good it will not count towards their GPA. Academic penalties are for students that …show more content…

Many students get to come to college on some type of scholarship, whether it be academic or related to sports. If the university offers them a sports scholarship, there are other requirements that come along with it. They must maintain a 2.0 GPA during the semester. There are plenty of organizations on campus including: Greek life, SGC (Student Government Council), and plenty other organizations. In order to be a candidate for most of these you must have a 3.0 GPA, some of them let you in with a 2.75 GPA. Also, when you come to college most of the time students have financial aid, which usually covers the cost for their tuition and etc. Besides the government offering money, you might get offered special academic scholarships from the university. Most of them require a minimum of a 3.0 and others require higher GPAs depending on the type of

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