Popular Alcohol Testing Essay

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Description: To determine the abuse rate and reduce it with various effective measures, a good number of alcohol testing methods have been introduced to the market. Read this article and know them in brief.

Some Popular Alcohol Testing Methods

Alcohol is one of the extensively used substances causing huge fatalities every year. As the statistics have come from different sources, we can easily say that addiction rate is increasing day by day. Needless to say, alcohol consumption is good when you have it within a limit. This is why consumption within a limit is permitted and protected by law. When it crosses the limit, it becomes a matter of abuse which is subject to undergo crimes and penalties. Alcohol testing is very good conducted in …show more content…

This is most convenient, easiest and inexpensive way to identify an addicted person. Within two hours the symptom comes in a person’s urine. It may last up to 48 hours since the time of consumption. Blood Test

Blood alcohol test is a reliable and correct alcohol testing method used to measure the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). It measures the alcohol in the blood. Within an hour the alcohol consumed by a person gets dissolved in his blood and reaches various parts and organs of our bodies. Therefore, a taste can easily indentify whether the person has consumed it within permissible limit or beyond it. Side by side, it is so effective that time of taking drug is easily identified. The blood alcohol testing is the most effective and trustworthy method. The method is a bit expensive method.

Saliva Test

As the name suggests, it is the testing of saliva or spittle. With this method the present of drug in a person’s saliva is identified. This is an inexpensive method preferred over blood testing method. For its non-intrusiveness and fast result giving quality, it is conducted widely. Saliva alcohol testing process can be conducted to detect alcohol consumption of a person within 10-24