Driving Under The Influence Essay

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If you have recently been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), you have a long and tough road ahead of you. A DUI is often a life-altering event. It might change the way you think or how you behave. Even worse, it might stay on your permanent record. With that in mind, it's best to do some preparing before your case goes to court. After all, you want to improve your chances of winning the case—or at least getting a lesser sentence. That said; here are five tips to help you look better in the eyes of the judge: 1. Admit If you are guilty of driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it might be best to just admit it. While this isn't recommended for everyone, it does work well for those who have been prosecuted for driving under the influence before. It is also a good idea if there is a lot of …show more content…

Enroll in Treatment Another way you can help your case is by enrolling in counseling or treatment. By showing that you recognize there is a problem, and taking steps to fix it, you are showing the judge that you feel bad and know that change is needed. There might also be DUI classes you can take, depending on your area. Access your situation and look at the severity of it. If it is more severe, you might also want to enroll in therapy or check-in to rehab, as well. 3. Do Not Drive If you were arrested for a DUI, it is likely that your license was revoked or suspended. If your license was taken away, make sure that you avoid driving. If you can obtain a hardship license, do that first, before you begin driving again. In the meantime, use public transportation, a bike, or walk to your destination. It won't be easy, but it will help your case. 4. Stay Away From Bars During the proceedings of the trial, do not go to any bars. Even if you won't be driving, going to a bar shows that you still want to drink. The judge may interpret this as a severe drinking problem and it may worsen your case. So steer clear from bars during the case. 5. Get a