Drinking And Driving Persuasive Essay

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Two opposite demographics statistically are the most dangerous on the road. New drivers are more prone to mistakes being inexperienced on the road. On the opposite end of life, as health problems and mental deficits appear in older age, the risk of accidents becomes higher. This is backed up by a study the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration did, which showed that among both genders the age groups 16 to 20 and over 65 had more crash fatalities than the other age groups (Chang). Therefore, this proposal will suggest that our state needs to put more focus on keeping current drivers educated and making sure they stay educated as long as they have a license. If both our state and nation improves driving laws, we will encourage teens …show more content…

They end up sitting through countless lectures about not doing drugs, not drinking and driving, not texting and driving, and all the other dangers of being on the road. Yet, what are young adults still doing? Drinking, doing drugs, and texting while driving. The most productive part of the class could be the six hours of mandatory driving after the thirty six hours of classroom training, but students are not guaranteed a teacher who will be beneficial. We need to find a new way to inform teens about the dangers of driving, and I propose we do this through showing them in a safe environment. One privately operated example is called B.R.A.K.E.S, which is an abbreviation of Be Responsible and Keep Everyone Safe. The program is taught by retired race car drivers, and has been available in fifteen states including North Carolina. Students in the course do several activities including: accident avoidance, a distraction exercise, wheel drop-off recovery, panic stop exercise, and a car control and recovery exercise (“About”). The program aims to be fun for teens, allowing them to go way too fast, skid, and learn how dangerous driving distracted is, in a safe environment. Incorporating this into the traditional drivers education classroom would allow more students to be prepared when they start