Should Minimum Driving Age Be Raised To 21 Essay

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The minimum age to drive has been debated for a long time, with both supporters and opponents using different reasons to back up their positions. But new studies and changes in cultural expectations are making more and more people agree that the driving age should be raised to 21. This change would not only put public safety first, but also make sure that young people are ready and old enough to handle the risks and responsibilities that come with driving. In this essay, we will look at the many good reasons why raising the minimum driving age to 21 is a good idea.

Safety is one of the main reasons why the minimum driving age has been raised to 21. Studies show again and again that young and inexperienced drivers are more likely to get into accidents. This is often because they are reckless, don't have good sense, or don't know how to drive well. By making the driving age 21 instead of 16, we can reduce these risks and make the roads safer for everyone. Teenage years and early adulthood are important times for a person's growth. During this time, people go through major physical, emotional, and mental changes that affect their ability to make decisions and level of growth. By letting young people get more life experience, finish school, and become more mature before getting a driver's license, we can make it less likely that they will do something rash and dangerous behind the wheel. …show more content…

Motor vehicle crashes are still one of the main reasons why young people die or get hurt. By making people wait longer to get their driver's license, we might be able to cut down on the number of crashes and deaths caused by new