Popular Culture In The 1920's

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American way of life. The popular image of the 1920’s as a care-free, frivolous, even anarchic “Jazz age, is partly colored by the popular image of the American 1920’s when America began to exert a strong influence on British and European popular culture (Popalwski, 2008: 542-543). In fact, that was a decade when the popular culture began to take on its typically modern forms, with the rapid growth in popularity of cinema especially spreading other popular fashion, for instance, clothes, hair, speech and manners, interior decoration and music. There were hedonistic modes of ‘living for the day’, among the middle and leisured classes. However, these years clearly had their grimmer side too like the major economic depression, mass unemployment and the shock of war, which made a fertile ground for despair and disintegration among the people that T.S. Eliot tried to portray in his themes with as in the exaggerated setting of the higher class women’s Room in “The Game of Chess” from The Waste Land as he wrote at the beginning of the mentioned section: The Chair she sat in, like a burnished throne, Glowed on the marble, where the glass Held up by standards wrought with fruited vines From which a golden Cupidon peeped out (The Waste Land, 77-80). Virginia Wolf’s Mrs. Dallowy (1925) is an honest analysis of the divided nature of the 1920’s. The psyche of the individual is a shallow and fragmented, they suffer spiritually and mentally, they feel

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