Portrait Evolution Case Study Summary

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S1: Management team that is experienced in both photography and software development. The management team of Portrait Evolutions has many years of experience in both photography and software creation. Cyndi Rushing is an experienced software developer and will be able to channel the company correctly regarding the marketing and production of quality software. Bill Hardy has over thirty years of experience as a professional photographer and is highly respected within the photography community. His experience will help him in dealing directly with the intended customer base.

S2: Management has existing relationships with both the distribution facility and the Mexican production facility.
Tommy Berry has many years in the manufacturing …show more content…

It will be a challenge to compete in such a market, and Portrait Evolutions will depend on their reputation in the software market to crossover into the new channel.

O (Opportunities)

O1: One-Stop shopping: competitors do not market the printers with software.
Currently printers are sold by one distributor and the software to edit images are distributed by yet another distributor. There are often incompatibilities between the printers and the software, and customer service between the two companies is often inconsistent. Portrait Evolutions plans to target marketing on the fact that the Portrait Evolutions printer and the Portrait Evolutions software are custom made to work with each other and customer service (if needed) is available within the same company.

O2: Targeted Marketing: Ability to market to niche target market. Extensive research has been completed that have identified a very specific target market for Portrait Evolutions. By choosing to market specifically to professional photographers, the company can choose to invest its marketing dollars to directly reach the targeted market. This will have a positive impact on sales while keeping marketing costs to a

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