Portrait Of A Killer Essay

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portrait of a killer
Even from personal experience, it’s inevitable to recollect my past experiences and not enter a state of fright or stress by reliving that memory. Stress has become an issue that needs to be tackled or can lead to damaging results; “Research on child development strongly suggests that children who experience multiple chronic traumatic events, including abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse, often develop relational disturbances, deficits with language and cognition, dysregulation of mood and behavior, and social/emotional disturbances”(Henry). As a result, we as a society need to be conscious regarding the development of our children, considering they are the future generation that will set the life course for the next generation. …show more content…

One cannot tell someone is undergoing extreme distress unless they see a hysterical outburst or socially conversate to discover the root problems of stress. Stress is like an invisible heavyweight jacket that wears people down. This can conclude why not many are informed about the long-term development of constant high-levels of stress; “Most research on child and adolescent stress has failed to give careful attention to the informant effects in reports of psychopathology”(citation in email11-22-15).Stress is becoming a routine in societies daily lives, considering society emphasizes on promoting the constant stress we undergo, but doesn't mention ways to prevent it or long-term causes of recurring stress. Going to a shrink is given a negative stigmas and family meaning is shrinking in the modern world. Considering we live in a post-industrial society, family kinship and networks are getting replaced with technological gadgets; causing those who encounter stress with no family support. This can lead to dissociation, a self-caused mechanism to escape the harsh realities, and enter a diluted world to escape emotional