Positive Behaviour Intervention Model

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Since the 1980s researchers have discussed the effectiveness of positive behaviour intervention model for students and schools (Sugai and Simonsen). Journal articles and other literature discussing Positive Behaviour Intervention Support Model (PBIS) began to emerge from a framework devised by Sugai and Horner. The University of Oregon began publishing results about the effectiveness of school-wide behavioural management and implementation of this approach using the PBIS model commenced in United States schools in the late 1990s. Numerous models to support behaviour change, including PBIS, corresponded with newly introduced policies in the United States relating to the educational and behavioural outcomes for all students, including Individuals …show more content…

Furthermore, the approach must be guided by explicit theory and evidence based research. The PBIS model addresses and acknowledges the above mentioned criteria within its three tiered model, thereby supporting current best practice for behavioural intervention. PBIS like many behavioural models, SW, RtL and PAR, centres on a proactive rather than reactive or punitive response to behaviour, such as time-out and suspension (Arter, 2007; Horner, Sugai and Anderson, 2010; Simonsen et al., 2010). Supported within these frameworks are core principles - incorporating a proactive approach with positive reinforcement and encouragement in addition to logical consequences that progress along a continuum. Simonsen et al., 2010 states research concludes implementing PBIS and multi tiered intervention models reduce problem behaviour, increases student – staff relationships and suggests this can lead to an increase in student instruction time and academic engagement during this time. Arter (2007) also discusses how research has shown reactive responses; time-outs, office referrals and suspensions directly affect academic performance as students miss out on instructional time and can have difficulty developing positive relationships with …show more content…

Horner, Sugai and Anderson (2010) studied numerous research papers in relation to the connection between PBIS and academic outcomes. Evidence suggests it is too early to claim improvements in academic outcomes are due to the implementation of the PBIS model. Several factors and practices within a school need consideration including; the degree in which the school has successfully introduced the PBIS model across all settings, how well all staff have applied the principles, improvements to the social environment and good teaching