On 9/28/2015client met with Dr. Shuster and she was diagnosed with: Axis 1: Post traumatic stress disorder; 309.81 (primary), symptoms regarding the traumatic event in Columbia. 2. Mild neurocognitive disorder 331.83, rule out in light of the reportedly forgetting appointment, and being unable to recall any of 3 objects, needs neurocognitive testing to rule. No medication was prescribed and in the event that the client agrees to see a therapist Dr. Shuster will issue a referral, and if client memory becomes more of an issue client should be re-assessed for safety.
Patient is a 51 year old Caucasian female living alone in her own home. The patient has a history and current syntoms of geralized anxity disorder, social phoina and panic attacks, which she takes madications for and sees a psychrist 2-3 times per month in Havasu. Patinets lives with six cats and the house environment is somewhat cluttered. The patinet is orinally from Glendale, CA., has a brother in Palmdale, CA, who is stays in contact with sometimes. Pt has a daughter in Big River, who is not supportive of her, but has three grandchildren who visit her.
At the last faculty meeting you were introduced to a State initiative related to Response to Intervention and Instruction (RTiI). This behavioural focus of RTiI is rooted in a concept knows as Positive Behaviour Support (PBS), and what was presented to you is the beginning of GMHS taking this concept school wide. School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is an applied science that uses a systems approach for establishing a culture that contains behavioural supports and promotes an effective learning environment for all students. It is an active way for students and faculty to establish the behavioural expectations here at GMHS.
The patient reports August 17 he was released for jail and has not been able to take his medications since. The patient reports when he is not on his medications he can become aggressive towards others. The patient reports he wants to receive help with his medications. The patient reports that his mother would agree with why he was here and needed help.
Behavioral Intervention Team: I attend Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) meetings regularly where I work with rest of the team members on reviewing incident reports submitted my students/staff members and assess the level of threats and risks. In each meeting we get involved in the critical decision making process to address emotional and behavioral issues associated with our students. I recommend the course of action after evaluating the situations from the faculty point of views.
Osborne and Howard McQuirter, LCSW. They both share the disposition that the patient should be discharge pending her agreeing to follow up with outpatient services. Patient has agreed to follow up with outpatient services as recommended. The patient 's family mother has been contacted and made aware of plans concerning the patient. Patient mother contracted for safety due to Ms. Martin being a minor, was given outpatient referral information and completed a crisis plan.
Claimant’s mother reports the following emotional complaints: social withdrawal, poor expression of emotions, unaware of her illness, lack of motivation, cognitive difficulties, delusions and hallucinations. He mother reported that claimant experiences episodes of being unable to speak, moves with no specific purpose, uncooperative and makes strange movements. Claimant’s mother reported her daughter’s behavior and thinking has changed after she was bullied, threaten and emotionally abused due to her political association in Armenia in 2013. Her mother reported that claimant’s symptoms intensified, as a result of another incident of being emotionally abused in June 22, 2015.
Limitations recognised throughout the SDM process were related to risk of further deterioration in the Consumer’s mental state. As the Consumer was slowly taken off his medications, in a safe clinical manner, his presentation deteriorated. The Consumer’s sleep pattern worsened due to the elevation in his mood, there was a noted increase in impulsivity and poor boundaries with others on the inpatient unit, leading to the Consumer becoming vulnerable. There was a prominent increase in erratic and aggressive towards others, leading to the assault of a staff member on the inpatient unit and subsequently required the use of restrictive interventions. The decline in mental state resulted in the Consumer’s father, case manager and treating team coming together for a family meeting with the Consumer present in which the previous medications the Consumer had been previously prescribed were recommenced in an attempt to re-stabilise his presentation, unfortunately this was a substituted decision made by the consumer’s father and treating tream.
In every school there are set policies and procedures so that all people working within the school are aware and stick to the same rules. Consistency is imperative. All adults working in the school would be : teaching staff, support staff, lunchtime supervisors, kitchen staff, governors, after school staff and temporary staff. There are many policies in schools that children and staff should be aware of.
Carla A behavior intervention plan (BIP) is a plan that’s designed to teach reward positive behaviors. This can help prevent for stop problem behaviors in school. The BIP is based on the results of the FBA. The BIP describes the problem behavior, the reason the behavior occurs and the intervention strategies that will address the problem behavior. A BIP can help a child to learn problem solving skills and find better ways to respond in a situation.
The patient states, "Most of my life people have been mean to me." Furthermore, the patient reports that she has seen a lot of verbal and physical aggression over the course of her life from family members with substance abuse issues. Since the summer it has been difficult for her. She reports over the summer her ex-boyfriend's
The benefits of applying boundaries and rules for children and young people consistently and fairly are that all children and young people will know what is expected of them. They will understand what is acceptable and what is not. If rules and boundaries are inconsistent or unfair, children will become confused and will not know what is expected of them. They will be unsure whether their actions or comments will get them into trouble. If rules are not applied consistently as staff are not aware of them, children will react to this and comment on this, e.g. you have given X a warning and have not moved their name on the cloud.
Helping behavior is exhibited and commonly shown in people; however, certain circumstances affects whether the person in need is helped by the passerby. Past researches looked at possible element which may have influence whether a person choose to help another one. On this note, several literatures look at physical attractiveness as a crucial factor that may critically impact helping behavior. Thus, it is important to address the relationship between these variables, by examining researches with the focus on the link between attractiveness and helping behavior. It can be hypothesized that individuals are more likely to help other people if the person in need is attractive; hence, the present research explicitly reviewed two articles which
Hedonism vs. authentic happiness theory of well-being Name: Ida Duvnjak Student number:201703451 Course: Track B Teacher: R. Rodogno Date: 8-11-2017 Philosophical theories of well-being can be divided in subjective and objective theories of well-being.
An investigation into whether the rewards and positive reinforcement strategies change challenging behaviour in a classroom setting. This research project investigates whether the use of rewards and positive reinforcements can have an effect on challenging behaviour in a classroom setting. It examines whether rewards and positive reinforcements have an impact on children who display signs of challenging behaviour. It allows us to research and discover the different reward systems and positive reinforcement strategies that are implemented within a classroom setting.