Post High School Education Summary

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The two articles presented have impacted my post high school education experience and my college experience in very obvious ways. When I was in high school, the main goal for the teachers and educational government was not that students learned the subject, but that he/she passed the test. Moreover it was all about passing the test and not learning. This experience can relate with Ravitch’s article because what she was trying to explain is that the government started to care more about the test score than the knowledge gained by the students. Greene’s article is moreover talking about how social factors can poorly impact student’s performance in school. Also, strategies like, accountability, choice, early intervention can effectively improve …show more content…

For example, when Greene stated that, “. Poverty, broken homes, lack of English proficiency, poor parenting, and any number of other factors pose serious educational challenges for some students…”( Greene, 478). Likewise, Ravitch said that, “I too was captivated by these ideas. They promised to end bureaucracy, to ensure that poor children and were not neglected, to empower poor parents, to enable poor children to escape failing schools, and to close the achievement gap between rich and poor, black and white. Testing would shine a spotlight on low-performing schools, and choice would create opportunities for poor kids to leave for better schools.” (Ravitch, 495). In some ways, they wanted to end the social difference in education, they wanted to give opportunity to students that does not have it. However, they are different in ways that Ravitch stated to believe that this dream was not going to be possible because the government was more worried about the test scores than the students gaining real knowledge, and Greene was still believing that choice, accountability, etc. were really helping students’