Pre-Modern Confucianism And Buddhism

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Confucianism and Buddhism have brought many traditions and orders, that is structures to Korea and their society. First of all pre-modern Buddhism and its influence on today’s culture and society in Korea may be rather slight but the impact it had on historic culture and arts was great. Museums are full off Buddhist art and everywhere you go you see traces of Buddhist impact. The Buddhist temples are as beautiful as ever and still frequently visited and most people cannot imagine Korea without them.
Buddhism introduced Koreans to the world of philosophical thinking, it brought highly advanced art and culture and had a great influence on Korean civilization. It made people think more about human beings and the cosmos and it incorporated with folk beliefs and practices. But it seems that not many of the characteristics it brought to the society have stayed like for example achievement and ignorance. That does not mean that Koreans are ignorant in all aspects, just that they started thinking more about themselves …show more content…

It shaped their morals and way of life, the relations between young and old, and is the basic module for a big part of their legal system. Confucianism was used to bring structure into Korean society and gave them something they could rely on in terms of how to behave and act. It determined ethnical values and social norms and worked as most important system in governing the nation.
Both religions left their traces on Korean society but sadly not just in a positive way. Confucianism for example made it so much harder for woman in Korea than what it was like before it was brought to Korea. The sexism and discrimination women are suffering in this country are mostly based on the teachings of Confucianism. With the introduction of it they were seen as even less worthy than man and that is where their sufferings