Presidential Election Cycles

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Politics and the Presidential Election American politics and the upcoming presidential election cycle is reshaping America again. My question is, will people identify the need for real ideas and identify the need for innovation in America? This presidential cycle can be one of the greatest political cycles in our history due to the deterioration of American infrastructure and economy. Too many times in our country sadly money is the key to winning an election and in most cases the wrong person is elected just because they have money. Money, popularity, and the need for change are the main topics that are at the forefront of all presidential elections each year; are they the most important topics to discuss? The first point I am going …show more content…

Popularity can be a very vicious word that can be bad or good during an election cycle. I get very tired of just because a candidate has more popularity they are the one that wins the nomination to run for president. Popularity alone cannot win America’s battles unlike what most people think, it is not the answer to our problems. America needs a person with true patriotism and will bring honor, sacrifice, and respect to the highest office in the land. The office that hold dear to my heart and the office that my family has served under for eleven years in the navy. I can only pray that the American people will have a true patriot in office for the next four years and may it not be a …show more content…

I get sick and tired of candidates saying, “America needs change or change is coming to America” because I believe if it is not broken then do not try to fix it especially it is running just fine. The American economy is the best economy in the world and it deserves to have a great president to budget and oversee it. The last eight years has been budget less and a cancer to the American economy and the American way of life due to the fact that there has been no balanced budget passed. Change is not always the right thing because that is what the American people were promised during the last election cycle and all that it has gotten America is change for the worse not for the betterment of the