The Pros And Cons Of Hillary Clinton

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I understand that many of you are fixed on the main two candidates. I do not wish to scorn your beliefs, but I do indeed have my own stance. I hope not to disrespect you. I only wish to speak forth my standpoint to inform you on the important points that you may have overlooked. As the elections sneak up upon us, the debates will become more intense. Only we, the American people, can select a president all together. All our votes form into one. Our choices are slim, but I realize that we have nothing less than a valuable president or apocalyptic leaders. As I’ve noticed, voters look to Hillary Clinton to become the next president for various reasons. Carelessly, The American people are anxious to elect the first woman. We, as human beings, …show more content…

It seems we are familiar with avoiding affairs, so that we can elect the first women president. Are we willing to turn are heads to avoid the topic of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal? Her words are full of lies, I am surprised her nose hasn’t grown like Pinocchio’s! We have already dealt with a Clinton before, and that ended with an attempted impeachment. Why should we allow ourselves to make the same mistake? Along with the scandal, we have an inexperienced politician, Trump, running for office. A company wouldn’t hire an inexperienced man, why should we vote for an ignorant man to run our country? Have we pushed our expectations so low that we would give the title of president to just anyone? At this rate, will our next president be a …show more content…

There should be no more toleration from liars and naive presidents in the office. We must turn our heads to the uncredited runner! Hillary Clinton has ran once for office, and we were smart enough to elect a different candidate. This time we should do the same, instead of falling into her lies. We cannot let her push aside the email scandals. We have experienced her husband Clinton in office and he turned out the be a untrustworthy person as well. The people shouldn’t allow them to deceive us over and over. We must not accept all of her excuses just because she is a woman! The scandals must come to an end by restricting votes for Clinton. If we wish to strive as a country-- if we wish to improve our country in different aspects which are greatly needed, such as the economy -- if we mean to avoid fabricators and the foolish-- if we mean to be one as a country and strive -- We must root for Johnson! I say again, we must for Johnson! He believes in balancing our nation’s budget which is desperately