Princess Diana Research Paper

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As the car approached dangerous speeds it began to swerve left and right until finality slamming into a pillar killing everyone inside. On August 31, 1997 in an attempt to escape the paparazzi, Princess Diana of Wales died in a car crash due to an intoxicated chauffeur (Waldherr 165). Due to the seemingly coincidental death, Princess Diana’s tragic death gave birth to a multitude of theories and conspiracies To understand why Diana’s passing was coincidental, one must understand her life leading up to her death. Having lost his heart to a Camilla Shand in 1973, Charles, Prince of Wales was left searching for a future queen and he found Diana. She was young, pretty, malleable and willing to say yes, so in 1981 Diana married Charles and gained the title of princess(Waldherr 164). Despite marrying Diana, Charles was still infatuated by Camilla and it showed as their relationship …show more content…

Before her, British royals clung on to their traditions to the point where they embodied them and alienated themselves from their people. Diana was different, she wore her flaws and vulnerability openly, which was something the royal family did not. Diana believed, that modern day queens, like presidents, need to stand for the aspirations and be a screen to which the people’s dreams are projected on (Hunt 156). “She wove her miseries - lack of education, bulimia, an unloving and unfaithful husband, conflict with the in-laws, depression, unfulfilling affairs - into a story of suffering womanhood, of vulnerability” (Hunt 157). The idea was one that people could identify and relate to, and it was only further prolonged by her constant charity work and campaign against landmines. This ideology of Diana, filled a void in the royal’s family as the “people’s princess” and it shows by how the people resonated with her, even to her untimely