Pro Genetic Engineering Essay

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Genetic engineering is the use of new technology to alter the genetic material and DNA to change the instruction codes thus changing the characteristics of the cell in hopes that the organism will be more fit to survive. Surprisingly, people spend their lives fighting over the ethics of this issue. Some feel that it is the future of medicine, where others think it is a sin to practice such risky technology with something as valuable as a life. In reality, the solution may be highly simple. Genetic engineering should be available because it allows scientists opportunities to further advance science, including empowering prospective parents to give their children a healthy life.
First and foremost, one certainty of modern science is essential to understand the importance of genetic engineering: science is fast. This new fast pace …show more content…

With argument, the one discovery that commenced this spiral of the new, groundbreaking, fast-paced age was understanding that the genetic makeup of an organism can reveal how an organism will react under specific conditions and applying this knowledge to distinguish that if the structure changes, the function changes as an immediate follow. “Largely as a result of the pioneering work of James Watson and Francis Crick, scientists were able to discover the sequence of nitrogen bases that constitute the particular DNA molecule codes for the manufacture of particular chemical compounds… the sequence acts as an “instruction manual” for all cell functions” (Genetic Engineering). Technology has become a fundamental part of science and receives a bad rap from society, but, in reality, it has given science the power to help so many more people. This is the reason why Americans, Europeans and citizens of other leading nations have stepped forward to volunteer in third world countries and create such a colossal difference. The field of genetic engineering is tremendously interesting because scientists can take advantage of the fact that the losses