Process Essay: Difference Between India And The United States

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There are so many steps an individual can take before moving to India to conduct business. First, the most important step is research about the country. Try to get knowledge about the history of that country which will help to know about the country. As I mention before, learn about the important difference between India and the United States like, communication style, superstition India, view of time, personal space and touching and so on. Secondly, India is different in health care system it is not like U.S. In India, mostly private healthcare hospital take care of most the hospitals and clinic. Mostly people paid for their own health care. Very less people had insurances. In India, public hospitals are not clean and doctors are not take care of the patients properly. The article “5 Things to know about India's Healthcare System” by Vijay Ramnath Jayaraman said “Private hospitals and clinics which provide quality healthcare as compared to the not-so-profitable hospitals.” So, I recommend you to go to private hospital as compare to public hospital. …show more content…

There will be things that individuals are not going to like about India for example, might he/she don’t like their way of communication or there way of working. So, I would like to recommend them to have patient because new things take time to learn. Individuals need to be open mind and should stop comparing India and the United State because every country have their own way of working. It is important for individuals to keep in mind there are also so many similarities in India and U.S. which will help them to

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