Process Essay: Florida's Judicial Selection Process

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The judicial system in Florida is consists of; district courts of appeal, the supreme courts the county and circuit courts. Florida identifies and selects judges who have are respected in their areas of studies to take up positions in these courts. It is obvious, that for a person to get a position as a judge that he or she has to meet a stringent set of requirements in multiple areas. They must show vast academic knowledge in the legal field, have relevant work experience, and good references. The judicial selection process may vary and change based on the specific needs of the position and the level of government where the position is open. This essay, will go over the selection process of both the Florida and New York judicial selection process, it will also compare and contrast their selection procedures will be scrutinized plus and include personal views on the best selection procedure between the two.
The law consists of the trial court and appellate court which are the two main functional categories; the …show more content…

The appellate courts and some other areas of the courts are appointed by the governor once they have been nominated. New York has one of the most complex judicial systems and the Supreme Court is not always the last court to resolve disputes. The term of every elected judge begins on January 1st per the state’s constitution. For an appointment on the court of appeals, seven nominees are vetted and, once selected; they serve for a term of 14 years. The governor will use the seven names provided to him by the judicial nominating commission to appoint the justice that he feels will work in the best interest of the state (Hogan, 2006). The appointment takes the bench pending confirmation from the senate. Once a judicial term is complete, the judge must then reapply for the position and is considered along with other interested