Process Essay: Why Do Students Need To Read

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Reading to me is very important, and it should not be passed on for something else because no matter what people are going to be, they will be. It is just a part of life; if you want to go out to read somewhere, you’re going to have to read; if you go to get a job, you’re going to have to read. Do you understand what I’m saying? As today, people don’t like reading, but reading is very important thing to do because you’re always going to read.

Children that don’t like to read need to stop acting up and start reading because, like I said, they are going to have to read no matter what, rather they like it or not, for example senior are coming into the big world and they need to know how to read if they ever want a job. Younger children need to start reading once they hit Pre-K because once they get into first or second grade, they will know more than …show more content…

“Webb wants to offer more trading to teachers so they can learn how to build on basic skill in higher grades. Futures statewide conference also will center on how districts can improve reading skills.” (Sarrio) This makes people smarter and gives them more chance in life and they need to love it. Because that’s just the way it’s going to be for a while and it’s never going to change because it shouldn’t. “The reading policy was born out of an effort by the state to align the state’s curriculum with international reading guidelines sad Amanda Maynard- Aderson, a state Department of Education spokeswomen. It is not a law, and there are some consequence for not adopting the program,” (Glordano) half of the high school students do not read because they think that it’s boring and they don’t need to but they do need to because if they ever want a job they are going to be reading because that’s just what you have to