Perks Of Being A Wallflower Essay

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There are many benefits of reading, almost anyone you talk to will tell you that reading is good for your kids. But you also have to consider what is appropriate for certain age groups to be reading. As a highschooler I know that anything that can be in a book I know about or have done. I personally believe that a high school should be aloud to assign any reading they want even if it has “pornographic content” present in it.

There are many people who think the book Perks of Being a Wallflower should be removed from the list of required books to read at Hempstead high because of the graphic content and that it isn’t appropriate for kids their age to be reading things of that magnitude. But what these people need to do is realize the point behind the book, it isn’t that drugs and sex is a good thing for teens to do but it is exploring comfort and acceptance after the characters have experienced sexual trauma. The protagonist in the story does indeed turn to drug use to cope, but the message of the book is that there are far better ways to deal with traumatic incidents that happen in your life. That is the reason why this book is so …show more content…

There are so many problems with today's society. Television shows today almost always have depictions of sex out of wedlock, one night stands, or alcohol and drugs. But that is what we as a people need to adapt to, times are changing and this is the way we’re going and in my opinion it is better to teach your children about these types of things to help them avoid these situations, or if they get swept up into something how they can do it safely. But parents these days are trying to hide sex and drugs from their children but they just can’t, it's all over media, the news, and book. The best thing to do is to inform not leave them in the dark and