Process Essay: Why You Need To Play Soccer

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First you need the following attire and requirements to play soccer,
You need to learn the basics first along with having cleats,a jersey,knee high socks, and of course a soccer ball.There is a lot to the basics so you will have to do your best to understand .
The goal of the game is to score more points than the other by making the soccer ball pass the goal line on the opposing team’s goal.The games is usually 11 vs. 11 on a 100 yard sized field.Each team will always have a captain who goes to the refferee for the coin-toss and side picking.Each game is usually 90 minutes with 2,45-minute quarters.There is always one ref on each sideline with one exception in the middle to monitor the game close-up.You cannot use your hands,elbows,arms during the game,or you will get a yellow card for a warning or red that automatically kicks you out of the game.That’s all you need to know,now let’s get started. …show more content…

Start practicing
Start with Ball control,then dribbling,next passing,finally shooting.Each of these skill are vital to know,because if you don’t then you will be useless on the field.Use your own technique if you have to in case you don’t or practice with somone in your family that knows how to play soccer.

2.Focus on one skill at a time
This will help you get better at one skill in a short amount of time rather than multitasking and taking hours to learn it.Make a schedule if you have to so you can know when to practice a skill and when not to. 3.Play pick-up games
Play a game with some neighbors or friends to practice using those skills in game like situations so you have