Process Involved In Crafting The Constitutional Convention Of 1787

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Bailey Parker Dr. Armato American Government April 4, 2024 What was the process involved in crafting the Constitution of 1787? The United States Constitution is a testament to the law. That was supposed to be the vision of a more perfect union. Which emerged from the Constitutional Convention of 1787. This was the blueprint for governance that would profoundly shape the future of a nation. This paper will argue that the crafters of the Constitution of 1787 needed to contend with multiple complicated issues. The challenge of creating a federal system that balances the power between the national and state governments consists of. The crafters of the 1787 Constitution were faced with a mass of complex issues, ranging …show more content…

The key difference between the articles of confederation were the initial agreements made by the United States in the 18th century, while the constitution represents the set of guidelines that democratic nations and organizations develop over time to to maintain law and order within their jurisdiction. “These rules were proposed by the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 after considering an alternative, providing that when two-thirds of the states called for amendment, the national legislature would ‘call a convention for that purpose’.” (Kay 2018, 244) Article V states that “the very nature of an “entrenched” constitution requires that it be harder to change than ordinary law.” This is because the constitutional decision making which should require more than a mere majority vote in the legislature. The majority's preference, therefore, can be frustrated by some minority, and the harder it is to amend, the greater will be the abridgment of the democratic power to choose the rules governing collective life. Patrick Henry's objections to the amending procedures implicitly raise this point with respect to Article V. Not only may a minority block