
Proctor & Gamble In Canada

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India is a developing country now and the GDP in 2016 was 2.26 trillion USD (see fig. 2) India has a population of more than 1.2 billion people with 70% between ages of 15 to 65 (Indian Population, 2016) and the age limited in India of drive license is 16-years-old. In 2015, among 1000 Indian people only 151 of them have one car (See fig. 1). Canada is a developed country now and the GDP was 1.53 trillion USD in 2016 (See fig. 3). The population in Canada is 36.8 million with 67% between the ages of 15 to 65 (See fig. 4). Among 1000 Canadian people there are 662 of them have motor vehicles in 2016 and 77.8% of the driving-age population has car (Cato, 2017). The entry mode that Proctor & Gamble used to enter Canadian was foreign direct investment (FDI), they established their first transnational factory in Canada in 1915 to produce ivory soap and Crisco, P&G entered one nation by acquiring an established competitor and its brand and then promoted its business through that company (A Company History 1836-today, 2006). …show more content…

The successful marketing strategy in India they used advertising to propagandize their brands, but the unsuccessful marketing strategy in India was selling products with equal-quality but at higher prices (Gaille, 2013). The competitor who is SAIC motor marketed their business in India by FDI, they purchased 100% stock rights of Indian General Motors, and launched the plan to establish MG India in the near future (China’s SAIC Motor to bring MG car brand in India by 2019, 2017). The potential competitor for DFL in Canada is Ford. In 2016, Ford sold 59827 vehicles and occupied 20.7% of the market (Cain,

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