Profession Of Arms Essay

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Cook-The Profession of Arms
The United States Army is a time-honored profession. A profession of arms that is comprised of an all-volunteer force, sworn to uphold and defend the constitution from which it derives its authority to maintain peace and stability to our great nation. What does it mean to be a profession of arms and how does this relate to the role of a Human
Resources (HR) Sergeant?
Our society describes professionals as people who are highly trained in a very specific skill set which requires extensive education. Some professionals such as doctors or teachers require specific degrees earned from institutions of higher learning.
The time invested in this training gives their stakeholders the assurance to be highly confident in their …show more content…

“Professions earn the trust of their clients through their ethic” (Army White Paper,
2010, p. 2). A Soldier is a professional in the profession of arms. Similar to other professions, they are trained and certified to perform specified tasks including lethality and security. “MORAL-ETHICAL EXPERTISE enables the Army to fight wars and employ combat power morally, as the American people expect and as domestic and international laws require” (Army White Paper, 2010, p. 7). Keeping that in mind, the
American Soldier is expected to be an expert in lethality and security while maintaining ethics and morals which align with American citizens. Much like the doctor or teacher, If the public loses trust in the American Soldier, they too lose their credentials.
Cook-The Profession of Arms
As a leader in the profession of arms one must remain competent in all aspects to ensure balance. The Army emphasizes “Balancing the relationship between the
Army‘s four fields of expertise and its current and potential future operating environment. When out of balance, the Army does not have the right capabilities to employ when and where the nation needs them” (Army White Paper, 2010, p. 9).