Professional Development In Urban Education

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Professional development is just one of multiple elements that can lead to an increase in teacher retention; however, this is one of the few elements easily controlled on a school level (Berry, Petrin, Gravelle, & Farmer, 2011). Yost and Vogel (2007) summarized outcomes of effective professional development in urban settings. Effective professional development can establish professional communities; enhance decision making; offer new instructional strategies; provide opportunities for reflection; foster mentorship relationships and improve school climate (Yost & Vogel, 2007). Special considerations for professional development are needed for teachers work in both urban and special education settings as training offered should be both personalized and needs based from school population as suggested by Yost and Vogel (2007). Taymans, Tindle, Freund, Ortiz and …show more content…

Moore and Kochan (2013) compared a principal’s perception of professional development in high performing, low income schools and low performing, low income schools. In total, 88 principals were surveyed considering possible barriers and aids to implementing effective professional development in their schools. High performing schools identified the following elements linking professional development to student success: clearly defined and attainable goals and outcomes; adequate funding and administrative support; promotion of the participants' engagement and active learning;a concise focus that examines a few topics; collegiality through networking opportunities with other peers; follow-up opportunities occurring after the initial event; and building on participants' current interests, beliefs, and practices (Moore & Kochan (2013). Each of these factors require principal intervention and assertion of leadership