Professional Learning Community Paper

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An important component to developing and generating support for a vision of teaching and learning are Professional Learning Communities. A Professional Learning Community (PLC) is a group of educators that meet regularly, share knowledge, and work collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students. In the Los Banos Unified School District educators have monthly PLCs to collaborate and improve student learning. PLCs are a great way to share data and to expose the schools goals and vision to all stakeholders.
Once all stakeholders are aware of the schools data, goals and vision it is imperative to also articulate and disseminate that information in means of PowerPoint Presentations or bulletin boards posted in the staff areas. It …show more content…

For instance, my school sites vision is: “In partnership with our community, Lorena Falasco Elementary School is committed to creating a safe and positive environment with high expectations that encourage success and lifelong learning for everyone.” Upon meeting with our administration we discussed how we can help our teachers support our English Language Learners. With that in mind, I looked at our English Language Learner’s CELDT data to determine areas of strength and weaknesses. I then lead a staff meeting about disaggregating our English Language Learner’s CELDT data and how we can support them in the classroom. Our staff was very receptive. We have 40% of English Language Learners in 3rd-6th grades that are scoring at the intermediate level or lower on the CELDT. The objectives of the staff meeting I lead were to learn how English