Physical Therapist Degree Program Essay

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What is professionalism in the context of being a student in a doctor of physical therapist degree program? Professionalism means having respect for yourself, your colleagues, the material you are learning and your professors. It also means becoming the best you that you can be and possessing admirable traits such as integrity, compassion, and a thirst for knowledge. Through my experiences as a gymnastics coach and working in a physical therapy office, I learned what professionalism is. This has prepared me for the challenges I expect as a student in a doctoral program. People have called me an “old soul.” I behave more proper than my peers, see the good in people, and I am always responsible. Although I conduct myself in a mature manner in the workplace, I know how to have fun and enjoy what I do. I found a passion for gymnastics early in life. After 10 great years, I left gymnastics, and at 15, I accepted my first coaching position. I decided that working in a gym would fulfill both my love for gymnastics and my desire to work and be independent. After my first year of college, I began coaching again at a gym …show more content…

I was first introduced to physical therapy when, as a 12 year old gymnast, I had an ankle sprain and knee joint hematoma. This injury inspired me to be a therapist. As a high school student, I wished to further my interest and knowledge in physical therapy. I had a fantastic opportunity to volunteer at a chiropractic and physical therapy office, shadowing the doctors. I loved observing the therapists and getting a glimpse of what becoming a Dr. of Physical Therapy would be like. Each time I was able to help a patient, I saw how even the smallest exercise could make a difference. After 3 months, I was hired to work as a physical therapy assistant and receptionist. I learned, not only, how to better communicate with people, but how a physical therapy office