Propaganda In All Quiet On The Western Front

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Q7. I believe that it is both just and unjust for the government to censor war news, there are pros and cons to both sides. Governments began censoring news about the war. Many leaders had feared that honest reporting of the war would turn people against it. I can see the reasons as to why the government would want to hide the actual facts from their people. However, government didn't just censor war reports, they also used one-sided information for war propaganda. Propaganda was used in a misleading and biased way. Government had used one-sided information to promote particular points of view. For example, during the war they used propaganda by making young men want to join the army in order to defend and protect their country. Yes, I believe …show more content…

How would it feel to know that your family is back home worrying constantly because they know and have seen what really happens out there? As a soldier I think I would rather have the government censor the war news. I came to this conclusion after thinking about the book All Quiet on the Western Front. When the main character Paul Bäumer comes home from his time at the front, he shields his family from the actual truth of what really happens. All soldiers do this, even today they continue to do this. Soldiers feel alone, like they have no one they can truly relate to back at home anymore. They lie to their families, so that their family's won't have to worry about them. I think another reason I would want the war news to be censored from the point of view as a soldier is because I wouldn't want to deal with people constantly thinking they could relate to me. Even if the government didn't censor it, photos, videos, and words would still not be able to truly capture what happens. I would be so annoyed and angered as a soldier if I were to come home and have people be sympathetic to me. I would especially hate it if I had people trying to "walk I my shoes". I just feel that as a soldier it would super annoying to come home to people who think that they understand what happens to you up at the