
Pros And Cons Of Affirmative Action

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Against Affirmative action, its not agreeing with what colleges are doing to the first class, middle class and the disadvantaged students. College is where you go to earn your degree and do what you want to be in life. What colleges are doing now is not accepting you for the knowledge that you have but for how you’ve got to the place you are at now, for example say you are trying to get in Harvard University and you are waiting for them to accept you, so then a girl who was discriminated wants to go Harvard as well to get her education, Now, say they accept her into their college and not you because she was discriminated against and you weren’t, so even though you have the knowledge and characteristics to attend that college, they still let …show more content…

“None of this is to deny that there are some people in America who are racist and that there are some features of American life that are legacies of a much more racist past. But racism is not everywhere, and there is very little at a place like Stanford. Certainly, no one has accused Stanford's admissions officers of being racist, so perhaps the real problem with affirmative action is that we are pretending to solve a problem that no longer exists. Moreover, there is a growing sense that if affirmative action has not succeeded in ending discrimination after 25 years of determined implementation, then perhaps it is time to try something else”. (Paragraph 10, Stanford magazine) This paragraph about Stanford College states that Stanford has a very low tolerance or racism which means there shouldn’t be any in that school, peoples opinion on Stanford may be something like “Stanford is one of the many diverse schools” which the way we see Stanford it is or at least it should be. Due to the things Stanford goes for and stays away from and when it comes to racism they stay away from it, Stanford has a high standard for the knowledge of their students and they go for that, for example, “The sole criterion in finding the members of this class and in defining "merit" should be individual achievement -- not just grades and test scores, of course, but a broad range of accomplishments, in athletics, music, student government, drama, school clubs and other extracurricular efforts. But race and ethnicity (or gender or sexual preference) do not have a place on this list; these are traits, not achievements”.(paragraph 11, Stanford magazine) Stanford is one of the colleges that will only accept you if they can see that determination and need, to go through any hard exam or presentation to get that degree that you think YOU should have. So when we go back to the high qualified colleges that take in discriminated people and take away that opportunity for someone else

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