Pros And Cons Of An Iranian Nuclear Weapon

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Those who opposed the Iranian nuclear deal say that it is terrible to let Iran have any plutonium or uranium due to the history and culture of its society. Those who are afraid of Iran getting a nuclear weapon are concerned with them actually using it. Countries like France and the United Kingdom have nuclear weapons although few are worried that they would use them, the issue is who has them and what they might do with them. Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini said inn 1980 that “We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah, I say let this land burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam remains triumphant in the rest of the world!” A militant nation that does not fear its own destruction is a sure threat to its enemies and that threat is multiplied if the militant nation arms itself with nuclear weapons. …show more content…

This chant is to some not just a slogan, Iran has been committing actual acts of war on what it calls “The Great Satan” for over three decades. There was Iran’s takeover of the American embassy in Teheran in 1979, the 1983 bombing of the marine barracks in Beirut that killed 241 American Servicemen, and the 1996 khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia that killed another 19 Americans and war in Iraq. The war in Iraq Iran did little to disguise the fact that it supplied anti-American militias with sophisticated, armor piercing munitions responsible for the maiming and death of hundreds of U.S soldiers. A nuclear Iran could greatly expand its efforts to harm American interests, secure in the knowledge that its possession of nuclear weapons would make any military retaliation extremely unlikely. Over time, and not much time, a nuclear Iran could develop the sort of intercontinental Ballistic Missiles that would bring American and European cities within range of its