Pros And Cons Of Ap English Class

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Hey there fellow AP English student, now that you decided to take this course, I have some tips that could help you be successful. But, I'm also not going to lie to you. It's going to be hard. In the beginning, you're going to be very frustrated and really question why you ever decided to pick this class, but we all went through that and are still living. So bear with me, because in the end, all the confusion, disappointment, and vexation, are all worth it. AP English is not by any means an easy course, it’s a college level class, so it's hard for a reason and you have to have that mindset coming into the classroom every day. You do find the ones that come up to you at the end of the day and express how easy the class is for them, but they …show more content…

For example, there are extra essays you can write to get even more practice than what’s offered in the classroom. And the nice thing is, after you write any essay, if you set up an appointment with Cwikla, she will go over it with you and let you revise it to get a better grade than the previous one you have on the assignment. That itself helps with your grade overall, because no joke, in the beginning, your grade in this class is going to look so bad, but don’t stress, once you get a hold of what’s going on, your grade will rise. Another thing that’s nice to do is, the online multiple choice diagnostic tests. Those are key to nailing the multiple choice section on the AP tests. Because how can you become exceptional at something if you don’t ever practice it? You can’t. So practice. The last thing I can say that will help you, is coming to class early. This I guess only applies if you have Ap first period, but even if you don’t, still come to school at least 15 minutes before the day actually starts and ask for help and advice from Cwikla. Because let’s be honest, we high schoolers can be very busy people and we don’t have the time to come in after or during school to get the extra help we need. The solution to that, is make your own time, and have good time management. That’s super important. Don’t give into resistance when you know you can get up and be a couple minutes early, only to benefit

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