Pros And Cons Of Being A Paramedic

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Being a paramedic isn't about just lights and sirens. It isn't about fancy trucks, wearing a badge and uniform, driving 100 km an hour through city streets. These are some of the things paramedics live for. Don’t get me wrong I can’t for my turn at the wheel, but like all new things the shine eventually fades. These aren’t the reasons I want to be a paramedic. A chance to save lives of course is one, but theres allot more to it then that. On the off chance that it was, I don't think I would stick with ems work, I wouldn't even be interested for long. Saving a life can mean many different things and take on seemingly unexpected forms. Paramedics arrive at the most essential time for people in crisis, first responders. On call 24/7 so that when somebody needs help, they answer the call. Whether its performing CPR or simply holding a hand, you won't know you arrive on scene. Never knowing what challenges await or what will be required to give that person the help they need. …show more content…

It may even appear like a job someone does while they’re in school training for a different career. For a few individuals, it may just be a stepping stone in a different direction. But it has the potential to be some much more, and for many paramedic crews it is. For me, it’s a bold frontier with unyielding potential. An opportunity to develop with an emerging field that’s still growing, and evolving. A position that has direct effect on peoples lives and the community around them. A chance to be part of something bigger then myself, something that