Police And Detectives: Occupational Outlook Handbook: United States Police Department

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Police Officer

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“Police and Detectives: Occupational Outlook Handbook:: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.” 8 Jan. 2014. 17 Sept. 2015. http://www.bls.gov/ooh/protective-service/police-and-detectives.htm>. (“Police and Detectives: Occupational Outlook Handbook:: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics”)

Police officers work is very stressful and unique. Not many jobs actually help the community and keep people safe along with risking their own life. You are physically involved with the people in your community, city, or state. Law enforcement is physically and mentally demanding along with dangerous acts but doing it with the knowing the your helping to make a better community in your city. You have to be committed to your work to actually love it and want to go to work. When you don't like doing something, you don't try as hard and when your a police officer, it could be the matter of saving someone's life (Police and Detectives: Occupational Outlook Handbook:: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). …show more content…

Either training, patrolling, or in the middle of a crime investigation or saving someone's life, they are always moving. Police officers protect people's lives and their property. Police officers usually patrol their jurisdictions and investigate suspicious activity while on the job. They pursue and apprehend people,breaking the law either on a serious or mild offense. They either warn them, fine them, or if it's serious enough then they arrest the apprehender. Some police officers work only on a specific type of crime, such as narcotics. Officers, especially those working in large departments, may work in special units, such as horseback, motorcycle, canine corps, and special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teams (Police and Detectives: Occupational Outlook Handbook:: U.S. Bureau of Labor