Pros And Cons Of Breastfeeding

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A: Like many public health education initiatives, breastfeeding is one of the topics that create many debates (Carter, Cribb, & Allegrante, 2012). Breastfeeding is endorsed by the World Health Organization and supported by many countries (WHO, 2016b). I support breast feeding. But I think the “Breast is best” campaign needs modification. Firstly, breast feeding fulfilled beneficence (breast milk provide most needed nutrients to babies, Childress et al., 2002; PHAC, 2015), non-maleficence (breastfeeding prevent some forms of food contamination, BBC, 2015; Childress et al., 2002; WHO, 2016a), Utility (breast milk is believed to provide the maximum benefits to babies, Childress et al., 2002; WHO, 2016c), and Proportionality (breastfeeding helps to achieve a balance between the potential positive public health outcomes and negative effects/burdens on the individual or community by keeping babies healthy, Childress et al., 2002; PHAC, 2015) principles.