Breast Feeding Persuasive Essay

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In our lives, we were taught that it was shameful to breast feed in public. As we mature and become mothers of our own we learn that its not so bad after all. Woman shouldn’t have to go into hiding when breast feeding their child. It is a natural occurring thing that happens in life. Breast feeding is a lot less troublesome then bottle and formula feeding. Breast feeding is also one of the healthiest choices a mother can make for her and her baby. Although there are many positives to breast feeding, it is also a major controversy. If a woman has to be afraid to feed her child, then what’s to come in the near future?
Life can be very beautiful when having a baby. We get to pass on to another generation. We also get to see our family grow while our little one grows. Our mothers kept us in their stomachs as long as they possibly could unless there was danger. They also had to go through morning, afternoon or night sickness. Some moms go through life threatening problems in their pregnancy’s. Breastfeeding is part of a skin-to-skin bonding time that …show more content…

Breast feeding has led to many benefits for babies around the world. One of the benefits that is possible when being breast fed is your IQ can go up by 10 points. That may not seem like a lot, but in a babies life that is an amazing first step in life. Breastfeeding is also known to decrease certain types of cancer. Breast feeding can’t always make us cancer free but in some children this could save their lives on day. while decreasing cancer it also is decreasing the chances of obesity in our babies later life. This one small choice in a mother’s life can save our country a ton of money with health care. The money that is left over because it wasn’t being used, could go to the homeless, elderly or where ever we need help. We can all help the world out a little at a time, by changing our old ways and make them more