Pros And Cons Of Censorship

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Censorship has been present throughout most of people’s lives, and has been around as long as modern media. However, it can be a force for evil, as blocking children from seeing the truth can make them wonder about what is hidden from them. For example, any form of media that blocks out cursing will make children wonder what the word was. This may cause even more harm than exposing them to the word. Another example is a kid’s show that doesn’t have certain types of characters because of their race, sexuality, or religion, might make it more safe for the producers as they won’t offend anyone, but children need to learn to accept others who are different. Children who are exposed to various things when they are young will learn to be more accepting of others and will not be scared by others using words that are considered as curse words. Children should be exposed to the truth and should not be forced to experience …show more content…

This is because we need more young people who have different points of view on life, so that we can take in all opinions when making various decisions. This is true for any platform that requires decision making, such as voting for representatives in the government, voting for positions at a job, or even having a unique point of view when writing a paper such as this. Young members of society also need to be exposed to controversial topics such as elections, riots, and debates so that they can fend for themselves in the modern world. Being exposed to topics such as this will enable them to make decisions for themselves, and not follow the rest of society that is “politically correct.” Limiting what our children see will make them unable to make decisions for themselves, and when they are required to make important decisions, they will likely simply follow the rest of the