Pros And Cons Of Corporal Punishment

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Corporal punishment is violation of children’s right. According to the Committee [on the Right of Child], corporal punishment is defined as “corporal” or “physical” punishment as any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pains or discomforts, however light. It is believed that there are few ways to educate children; it depends on each families to choose the way to educate their own child. One of them is corporal punishment, which is also the most used course of action compared to the other non-physical forms of punishment. A study of 120 parents in Malaysia found that 40% had inflicted “moderate” physical punishment (hitting with an object, spanking, and etc.). Most of the parents have chosen this method despite the other alternative choices to conduct a child 's education since young. The choices made may be influenced by the way how the past generations grew up. However, parts of the society questions the suitability of using corporal punishment as it does not only goods, but harms to children. According to the studies of the mental behaviour of children, it is proven that children often behave to avoid punishments; this is how children identify the right and wrong. Many might agree to this way of learning and growing up, but it is not impossible for corporal punishment to leave negative effects on children. There is no doubt that these negative effects may have the ability to haunt one for the entire life. Those negative