The Pros And Cons Of Physical Punishment

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Physical Punishment/Physical Aversion. This involves the presentation of something unpleasant as a consequence of the performance of an undesirable behavior. According to Goldstein & Brooks (2007) punishment should be considered only as a last resort. However, in situations in which more immediate cessation of undesirable behaviors is required, punishment strategies should be weighed carefully; they can interfere with the learning process if not used sparingly and appropriately. Research and clinical experience regarding the use of excessive physical punishment (spanking) is that it is generally ineffective since it never tells the child what to do, only what not to do (Dizon, Baldo & Camara 2000). With this, it is surprising to note that despite of the several methods teachers can use to lessen or control misbehaviors of children, some teachers and countries still adapt this approach in modifying challenging behaviors of children. A depressing truth shows that “Physical abuse can also be a result of parental and/or school discipline in which a child is punished by beating or other forms of corporal punishment. It should be noted, however, that there are large cultural differences in the interpretation of corporal punishment as abuse.” Many Western countries classify corporal punishment of any kind as physical abuse, although this is not true for the US or Canada. However, according to 31 nations fully ban corporal punishment. In Sweden, in 1979, was the first to