Pros And Cons Of Election 2016

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Presidential Election of 2016 The two thousand and sixteen elections, probably one off the most hated elections of all time. This year brought out the worst in our community’s; for example riots, racial tensions and so much more. The Republican and Democratic parties are both to blame for the eruption of this chaos. November eighth however will be stuck in the minds of people all around the glob. Based on an article published by RedState these presidential candidates are the most hated in history. But we have to give president elect trump a chance to show the world what he can do to help better the country. By researching his policies and not at what the media portrays I believe the national election was most beneficial for our country because …show more content…

One has to pay taxes at the end of the year, for everyday purchases, healthcare and a number of other things. Our new presidents wants to lower taxes across- the- board specifically for low to middle income families. He also wants to make sure that the “rich” people pay their fair share. The rich and business people find loopholes to avoid paying for taxes. Trump however want to eliminate these loop holes to create new opportunities for our economy. Also something that is at the mind of new parents in then US he wants to reduce the cost of childcare even for stay-at-home parents. With Donald Trumps economic plan he would at least create 25 million jobs in the next ten year. In contrast to Hilary with her economic plan it will lose 300000 jobs. …show more content…

The year two thousand sixteen has been especially hard for me. It seems like a member of the blue family dies every day. So far this year there have been Sixty-one officers murdered on the job in cold blood. This year has brought a war upon our police and it does not seem like it is going to die down any time soon. Sadly our current president has yet to do or say anything about our fallen warriors; he choses to blame the police saying things like "symptomatic of the broader challenges within our criminal justice system, the racial disparities that appear across the system year after year."(EDITZ) However president elect trump has yet to be in office and has done more for officers than president Obama. Trump explains, “The police in our country do not get respect. Our law enforcement officers deserve our appreciation for the incredible job they do.”(Facebook) Another example of his support for law enforcement is just a couple a weeks ago a San Antonio officer was killed he called his family personally to give his sincere apologies. Our community’s need a strong connection with our officers and the other party would have just through our officers under the bus.