Pros And Cons Of Globalisation

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Arguments for Globalisation

Globalisation is a term that means that the local phenomena is transformed into a global one. Globalisation refers to different countries connecting together to link information and money. In addition to products and services produced in one part of the world are no readily available all over the world. This transformation has brought about positive and negative aspects to the world and the society we live in today. This paper will discuss the positive and negative aspects of globalisation. According to Simon, (2002) globalisation refers to an increase in global relationships related to culture, people and economic activities. Globalisation presents itself in a way that links itself to the distribution of goods …show more content…

In simple English, this basically means that what happens in one country will have a huge impact on what occurs in another country. It is like a trickledown effect on nearly all countries. Ghana is an example that will be presented in this paper. In Ghana today the WTO has allowed for free trade across borders. This has facilitated networking and has allowed organisations to share goods and services. In addition to the sharing of technology and economic cooperation across countries which has proved successful. This is because it has reduced rates of poverty and generated wealthier individuals and in developing countries. Another example of how globalisation has helped countries is China. It has proved extremely beneficial for the Chinese market and helped the growth of the market. The whole world is shocked with the rapid growth of china globally as it has played a vital role in this arena. According to Dauderstadt M, (2005), had confirmed that China had become a power house. Prior to this, China was against globalisation and in the past refused to communicate or cooperate with global companies due to government orders. Globalisation has certainly had a positive impact on the Chinese economy and today the Chinese live a very different life to the past. It is important to note that China is a developing country and …show more content…


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