Pros And Cons Of NASA: The International Space Station

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When someone thinks of space, the word NASA comes to mind. NASA is amazing at everything they do and their exploration missions are quite spectacular. It all started in 1969 when NASA took men to the moon. Since then they have landed rovers on Mars, sent telescopes to all the planets in our solar system, and telescopes far beyond our solar system. NASA is staying on top of its game right now. In 28 days, on May 5, NASA will launch an InSight spacecraft that is destined for the Elysium Planitia region located in Mars’ northern hemisphere. Also, NASA's Hubble telescope takes pictures of great distances everyday. NASA is exploring deep space on a daily basis. The budget for its exploration missions is growing every year, which it should grow, by 100's of millions of dollars. The budget for Mars exploration alone is $584 million for this year. The budget for total space exploration is $3 billion. The International Space Station is truly fascinating. NASA has astronauts stay up in the space station for up to a year at a time. SpaceX is the main player that delivers and retrieves equipment to the ISS. When no return trip is required, then the astronauts load their unwanted trash and equipment that is no longer needed. They stuff it into the capsule and send it towards …show more content…

SpaceX is famous for reusable rockets. The price to build one rocket is $60 million and SpaceX will save 30% by reusing rockets. SpaceX is saving $18 million for each rocket. NASA builds rocket boosters and they break on impact in the ocean. Some parts are saved but most of the time nothing is reused from the rockets. Sierra Nevada just created The Dream Chaser, which is a lifting-body winged spacecraft that will fly back to Earth in a manner similar to NASA’s space shuttles. Sierra Nevada is creating futuristic space shuttles similarly to what NASA created 50 years ago. NASA has stopped producing space shuttle for a long