
Pros And Cons Of Obamacare

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Following the results of the November general elections in the United States, Donald Trump was declared as the winner of the hotly contested presidential elections in the country. It raised more questions regarding the fate of Obamacare that had been advocated for by his predecessor, President Barack Obama. In the course of the campaigns, President Trump was very vocal regarding the need to repeal Obamacare and vowed that it would be one of his first duties in the oval house to ensure that Obamacare was done away with. However, it is critical to acknowledge that the process of repealing Obamacare will not be a walk in the park leave alone replacing it which is anticipated to be even tougher. It is essential to understand that through Obamacare, …show more content…

It is for this purpose as to why he needs to tread carefully and consult widely before eliminating the Obamacare on one day with a stroke of a pen. It is a more delicate and risky situation for the president to undertake such moves that will endanger the lives of a significant number of the American population. The process would also imply that the Congress has to approve the need to repeal the act and this would be a hotly contested issue in the house. On the lighter note, the president has indicated in more than one circumstance that he would be willing to retain some sections in the act of covering the pre-existing conditions (Stone & Recorded Books, …show more content…

However, it would still take several months to fulfill such motives, and the process would most likely prevent Congress from shedding the insurance industry reforms. Some of these reforms include requiring the carriers to cover the individuals with the pre-existing conditions or even capping the enrollees’ annual out-of-pocket spending as they often do not involve the federal dollars. Many American people strongly believe that Trump administration would pass laws that would severely hurt

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