Pros And Cons Of Obamacare

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The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare is a legislature that was passed in 2010 to help expand the coverage of healthcare. The Affordable Care Act is made up of multiple different acts, including The Affordable Health Care for America Act, the Patient Protection Act, Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act” and in the act, there are provisions, as well as some regulations have changed and are expanding the ACA (Obamacare). The Act is broken down into multiple titles with different provisions. Three main provisions are the requirement of essential benefits, the guarantee of Healthcare coverage and the Medicaid expansion. One of the main jobs of the ACA is to ensure protection for Americans when it comes to Healthcare needs. In order to do that there is the provision which requires that the Healthcare covers 10 categories of essential benefits. …show more content…

Another key provision is the guarantee of Healthcare for all Americans. To make sure everyone will be covered, the law makes it mandatory to have healthcare and if you do not you must pay a penalty fee. Lastly, the other important provision is the expansion of the Medicare program, which gets the states involved. Medicare is a program where states are funded by the government, so they can provide healthcare for people meeting certain criteria, including children, families in need or the disabled (NAT). The Affordable Care Act’s idea of expansion of the Medicare coverage requires an increase in federal funding. However, if a state refuses the expansion it could result in loss of

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