Pros And Cons Of Raw Milk

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If raw milk were to be legalized for on-farm sale in every state, it could clarify current laws in place. There are too many “grey areas” within the laws mandating raw milk. One such “grey area” is exhibited in cow-share agreements. A cow-share agreement is where an individual pays a farmer a fee for boarding, caring for, and milking the cow. The cow-share owner then obtains, but does not have to purchase the milk which their cow produced (Share Agreements: Cowshares, Goatshares, Herdshares, Farmshares -..., para 2). This causes several discrepancies, because cow-share cows are usually owned by multiple people thus increasing the risks for all parties (Leasing Arrangements for Cattle). Overall the farmer and cow-share owners are vulnerable to many legal incongruities (Don't Let Your Herdshare Agreement Land You In Court). There are several instances where the state law and the federal law contradict each other, …show more content…

It has been shown that raw milk stimulates the immune system and reduces the chance of infection because it is similar to our blood. Raw milk has all the components of blood minus the red blood cells, which allows it to be an infection preventer (Home: THE FACTS ABOUT REAL RAW MILK - A Campaign for Real Milk, para 9). Raw milk is also proven to promote good intestinal bacteria, easy digestion, and proper absorption of vitamins and minerals (Home: THE FACTS ABOUT REAL RAW MILK - A Campaign for Real Milk, para 10). This is further supported based on the understanding raw milk’s purpose is to build the young calf’s immune system after birth (Home: THE FACTS ABOUT REAL RAW MILK - A Campaign for Real Milk, para 25). Pasteurization destroys or compromises these beneficial traits, especially those qualities which help to build the immune system (Home: THE FACTS ABOUT REAL RAW MILK - A Campaign for Real Milk, para 26). Therefore, pasteurized milk is actually destroying health instead of preserving it like officials