Pros And Cons Of Test Taking In College

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What are the pros and cons of a college student taking tests? There are many views and different ideas on this topic. I’ll be discussing what my opinions are on this subject, and what I think are some pros and cons to college students taking tests.

Beginning with the pros, test taking in college allows the school to check the quality of their curriculum. Exams are given by independent organization, which creates a standardized tests score. This becomes useful by collecting data that can be compared to other schools across the United States. This can also help pinpoint areas of improvement. Test taking helps see where a student is struggling the most in. That can helps them improve on those areas they are struggling in. Tests can also help …show more content…

Yet there are some very valid concerns. These tests can impact the student’s confidence. Some students do well with their homework and it shows that they know the subject they are studying. But once a test comes around, they end up not being able to take the tests or it doesn’t show their full potential. Which also brings up the point of having the pressure to do well when a test comes around. I know I always get nervous being in a classroom with others, having to take a test. I end up feeling like I forget everything I tried to memorize and don’t know anything. This also means that student’s only memorize for tests rather than learn for them. It then makes the tests worth little since some students forget everything they just learned once the test is over. There are also the pressure on teachers to make their students pass. Now you have teachers who teach to the test rather than the subject. This can be really negative towards students. There’s also the point that the scores don’t show the students true ability. Most standard tests are usually on english and math. This is especially difficult for people like me who is very artistic. I love and want to have a career in art, so math and english tend not to be my strongest suit. The test doesn’t show my skill in art or other subjects, just what I know in english or math. So not being accepted into a college for art because you didn’t do well in math just doesn’t