Is Standardized Testing Helpful

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Hurtful or Helpful?

Is Standardized Testing really as helpful as we’re made to believe? “The SAT and the ACT are by far the most famous standardized tests today” ( “Standardized Testing”). Some of the earliest records of standardized test came from China, where hopefuls took such tests to be examined of their knowledge of Confucian philosophy and poetry for government jobs. On the other hand, the Western world mostly favored giving essays. As the Industrial Revolution progressed, movements in the 1800s took kids eligible for school out of their farming and factory environments and placed them behind school desks. Here started the idea of students taking this test to be graded quickly. In current times, our society has gained a much larger …show more content…

“Standardized testing only evaluates the individual performance of the student instead of the overall growth of that student over the course of the year”(“Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing). As high school students, we are expected to have mentally soaked in all of the knowledge we have gained over a twelve year span. Students are permitted to take one single test lasting approximately four and a half hours to decide how smart we “truly” are. “Standardized testing evaluates a student’s performance on one particular day and does not take into account external factors”(“Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing”). How is that fair? This test, is a one day thing. We cram so many years worth of education to release it all at one time, to most likely determine the outcome of our future. Some student are just simply not well skilled in taking tests. Many of these types of students are smart and can comprehend the context, but this does not show on the test. Some students also develop test anxiety which can hinder testing performance. There are also so many other factors that can play into a one day exam such as what if a student has an argument with their family that morning; this can hinder their focus during the test. Due to the amount of time for testing, it only focuses whether a student is proficient at that specific time not taking into consideration their …show more content…

“Standardized testing can create a lot of stress on both educators and students” (“Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing”). Allowing this type of testing and amount of testing is causing a great deal of stress for every aspect in the matter. Not only are students stressed about the amount of knowledge placed in the tests, but parents and teachers as well. Teachers having to cram students with knowledge of a specific test, and parents having to help teach at home as well as having to help with problems and situations that they were never taught when they were in school. Many of students around the world are stuck at home studying each and every night in order to prepare for these tests that pretty much determine how smart society thinks they are. On the other hand there are students who cannot study because they compose “testing anxiety” and “freak out” when given tests, or having to study for tests. This plays a major role in these students lives. Having to spend most of their time staying at home studying for one simple test that most likely determines their future, is pretty stressful. Not only does this cause stress for students during school but outside of school as well. Some don't have a real life out of school because all their times is spent doing work for school. Not to mention the stress applied to