What Was The Impact Of Standardized Test On College Students

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I rarely had homework in middle school and elementary. That all changed in high school, as I had a homework assignment on the first day! On top of it all, I find out that the ACT/SAT test impacts my college admissions. Both subjects of homework and standardized tests now stress me out. If I don’t complete this homework assignment by tonight, how much will it affect my grade? If I get a bad grade on my ACT, will I be able to get into my dream college? These are questions that I ask myself all the time. Everytime I think about them, I get overwhelmed and wonder, “what is the point of homework, what is the point of the ACT?” The truth is, I am not the only one feeling this way. School has a negative impact on students by causing stress because …show more content…

For instance, Shania Jagiah, the writer of the newspaper, “It’s Time to Abolish Standardized Testings” says the following, “Exams such as the SAT and the ACT have an even greater impact on students’ long-term futures. Many students spend countless hours and some spend thousands of dollars preparing for a single standardized test — a marathon exam that’s supposed to showcase their academic abilities”(Jagiah). Colleges have an over reliance on standardized testing as one test is a huge deciding factor of getting into the college. The pressure of getting a good score on the ACT/SAT test causes students to feel pressured, ultimately leading to stress. These students already have a lot on their hands with tests at their school, so a one time multiple choice test should not create extra, unnecessary stress. Additionally, Jagiah states, “Standardized tests are like asking fish to climb trees. They’re only useful if we want to know which students are good at taking tests. Other than that, they provide no useful measure of an individual’s progress or performance”(Jagiah). The problem with these tests is that all it looks for in the student is how good they are at memorizing. It doesn't show if the student has skills in the subject or how creative they are. Worst part about this, when students are stressed, they tend to have a more difficult time memorizing the content. To summarize, students get stressed out from studying to get a good final grade on the standardized