Standardized Testing Persuasive Essay

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Throughout the years, standardized testing has become something no student looks forward to. But, there might be deeper reasons as to why they despise it. Standardized tests have been around since the mid-1800s and have been used to measure a students' knowledge and ability to achieve their goals. However, as the year's progress, this form of testing has proven to cause problems. Students, teachers, and schools are all affected by standardized testing and its components in various ways. Standardized tests should not be present in schools because of the obstructive effects on students individually, the lack of helpful information and testing curriculum to further improve test scores, and the disruption of knowledge taught in the classroom.
Standardized tests affect students in many ways. They can be influenced by many factors like hunger, stress, tiredness, pressure, and even stereotypical threats. Distractions and influential factors such as the ones listed can harm a student individually, causing the testing environment to be unfair and responsible for missed questions. As lots would say, “Standardized tests don’t necessarily measure a student’s knowledge and skills. …show more content…

Certainly, some people say that standardized testing is the only way to determine growth and achievement within students. But, these tests don’t usually provide an entire measure of educational attainment. They don’t give attributes such as a sense of wonder, leadership, compassion, curiosity, and critical thinking. Daniel Koretz, a psychometrician stated, “…tests can measure only a portion of the goals of education, which are necessarily broader and more inclusive than the test could possibly be”( Standardized tests can at best only measure if a student is good at their core classes. Teachers might not be able to teach all of these characteristics, but they can demonstrate them in a classroom setting. Though, standardized tests have halted