Standardized Testing Persuasive Essay

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Have you ever thought about how testing has become the new Beyonce at least in the educational world as federal and state policymakers engage with making and teaching student assessment programs. As test go up in use, so do the protests, creating the disagreement over what to do with standardized testing.There are people that are heirs in the educational world even questioning what the test are for. Based on what i have learned I believe that standardized testing should only be done 1 time a year

I believe that schools should do standardized testing only one time a year because I feel these test aren’t very fair to the children who take them. Most states now use standardized testing to measure the school's performance. But to be honest these test aren’t that fair they are basically testing to see how well your teachers have taught you. With all these facts i have learned my belief on standardized testing being done one time a year has grown stronger

That isn’t the only thing that has people questioning standardized testing. Some schools even have certain test for certain people! There is a statewide test for the “special …show more content…

That is only 36% of the state! The states that are required are Alabama,Florida,Georgia; Indiana,Louisiana,Maryland,Minnesota,Mississippi,Nevada, New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,Ohio South Carolina,Tennessee,Texas, and Virginia. Ray Ross principal of high achieving Ravensworth Elementary in Springfield, Virginia had said "Probably the most consistent correlation with test scores has to do with ZIP codes." So if less than half of our country takes these standardized test, then why is it so important to do them. Im mean you have people saying depending on where you live that is how your test is going to be. So what is the point of having a test more than once a school