Pros And Cons Of Triple E Senate

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There are many different opinions about the Senate. Some poeple want to abolish, reform, or keep it as is. The Senate costs us $60 million. However, if the Senate is reformed and the members are elected, it will cost $120 million every year. The Senate acts as the "sober second thought". Their main role is to provide a final check on the legislation passed in the House of Commons. Some people believe this isn't necissary and that we should not spend so much money on it. Additionally, some people feel that we are alreadt overgoverened in this country. We have municipal governments, urban hamlets, towns and villages, rural municipalities, countries, school boards, hospital boards, provincial governments, the federal House of Commons, and the Senate. Some people think that …show more content…

To ensure that all Canadians are truly equal, the "Triple E" Senate was created. It stands for effective, equal and elected. Since the Senate is not elected it represents the worst of partisian, political patronage, it lacks all legitimacy. Also, if they are elected they would be accountable to the regions they represent. Overall, some people believe the Senate will never be a legitimate part of the lawmaking body, unless it's members are accountable to the people of Canada through a democratic election process. I believe that reforming the Senate is the best way to go. The "Triple E" Senate plan aims to develop an elected, equal and effective Senate. We will be able to provide a more balanced regional representation by electing senators. Additionally, if the Senate is abolished, there will be no final revision or discussion of any legislation. We will be relying on the House of Commons to make all of the final decisions. Overall, different people have different opinions on the Senate. Some want to abolish, reform or keep it as is. However, I believe it should be reformed to make it more equal for everyone across